My lovely better half came up with the idea of painting the ceiling before adding floors. That way it doesn't matter if (when) we spill a bit. He knows us well.
The world is made up of two kind of people: those who are neat painters and those who are...less than neat. I reside firmly in the second category. My mother is in the first and I will always feel she is superior.
Now that all the hardware is removed and the rust is treated, the floor is ready for its coat of rustolium too. Painting day!
We had lots of help.
The kids did great, as did the neighbor kids. They first washed the ceiling with spray bottles and rags. Then we went back and did a bit of QC.
Next was the floors. We used rustolium to seal and prevent any more rust from forming on the floors, or at least slow it down. I have never used that stuff. It smells...a whole lot. It is also sort of like painting with elmers glue. Crazy sticky stuff, and NOT water soluble.
Of course, the kids thought it was good fun.
Fun Fact: Did you know if you mix shampoo and sugar and scrub the crap out of you hands they will eventually be paint free? True story.
Obviously, this is something I might find useful
Obviously, this is something I might find useful
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